Effective Tarot Questions

  1. What do I need to know most about my love life?
  2. What do I need to know most about my career?
  3. What do I need to know most about the situation with my mother/brother/sister/friend/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend?
  4. How can I move my career forward?
  5. How can I move my love life forward?
  6. What’s trying to come forth in my life?
  7. What’s the strongest foundation to build upon?
  8. It can go two ways. Help me decide which way to go.
  9. What are the pros and cons of these two choices?
  10. How can I make the best possible decisions?
  11. What should I do about the situation with my work?
  12. What shouldn’t I do about it?
  13. What should I do about the situation with my mother/brother/sister/friend/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend?
  14. What shouldn’t I do about it?
  15. How can I restore my hope for the future?
  16. What blessings do I bring to my life?
  17. What blessings do my friends and loved ones bring to me?
  18. What blessings are coming to me?
  19. How is fortune smiling on me?
  20. Where is love in my life?
  21. How can I know that there is meaning in my life?
  22. What am I ignoring?
  23. What am I not seeing?
  24. Whats holding me back?
  25. What am I denying?
  26. What am I seeing that’s not true?
  27. What have I forgotten?
  28. What could trip me up?
  29. What can I learn from the past?
  30. What is the future telling me?
  31. What cycles are impacting me?
  32. What have I learned?
  33. Where am I strongest?
  34. What should I look out for?
  35. What if anything needs to be done?
  36. How can I communicate this in the best possible way?
  37. How will the trip go?
  38. How can I improve my relationship with….?
  39. How can I improve my ability to…..?
  40. How can I make the transition from…….to……?
  41. Can you help me find a way to……?
  42. Can you help me understand why……?
  43. Can you give me insight into……?
  44. What do I need to know to decide on…..?
  45. What do I need to understand/know about…….?
  46. What do I need to know to get along better with…….?
  47. What action can I take that will immediately and positively shift my current circumstances?
  48. What step/steps van I take to improve my situation?
  49. How can I open myself up to receiving love?
  50. What patterns and beliefs require clearing so that I may experience more love?
  51. Which of my thoughts, actions, or circumstances are blocking me from receiving love?
  52. What patterns am I ready to release?
  53. (3 card layout) Past, Present, Future
  54. (3 card layout) You, Your Path, Your Potential
  55. (3 card layout) You, Relationship, Partner
  56. (3 card layout) Situation, Action, Outcome
  57. (3 card layout) Idea, Process, Aspiration
  58. (3 card layout) Mind, Body, Spirit
  59. (3 card layout) Physical State, Emotional State, Spiritual State
  60. (3 card layout) Subconscious, Conscious, Super Conscious
  61. (3 card layout) Option 1, Option 2, Option 3
  62. (3 card layout) What I think, What I feel, What I do
  63. (3 card layout) Your Strengths, Weaknesses, My advice
  64. (3 card layout) Worked well, Didn’t work well, Lesson
  65. (3 card layout) What you want, What they want, Where it is going
  66. (3 card layout) Option 1, Option 2, How to choose
  67. (3 card layout) Strength, Weaknesses, Advice
  68. (3 card layout) Situation, Obstacle, Advice
  69. (3 card layout) Aspiration, Obstacle, How to Overcome
  70. (3 card layout) Opportunities, Challenges, Outcome
  71. (4 card layout) You, Unknown, Known, Action
  72. (4 card layout) Will, Issue, Ego, Alternative
  73. (4 card layout) Pros, Cons, Question, Answer
  74. (4 card layout) Past, Present, Future, Outcome
  75. (4 card layout) Underlying anxiety/tension, The Cause, what can be done to ease the situation, How can it be resolved?
  76. (5 card layout) Present and general theme, Past Influences, Future, Potential
  77. (5 card layout) Discard, block, action, avoid, accept
  78. You as you are.
  79. Are you on the correct path?
  80. What is helping me?
  81. How can progress be made?
  82. (5 card layout) Situation, challenge, guidance, focus, outcome
  83. (5 card layout) The question, background, sitter/seeker, environment (outside influences), the answer
  84. Your wants in the relationship
  85. Their wants in the relationship
  86. Passed issues that may interfere in your relationship
  87. What are they really thinking?
  88. How do they really feel?
  89. Obstacles
  90. Outcome
  91. Is there hope of finding romance in the future?
  92. Will the new love be like past loves?
  93. Will the relationship feel safe and secure?
  94. Will there be commitment in the relationship?
  95. Is marriage a possibility in the relationship?
  96. Will the relationship last?
  97. What can be done to find true love?
  98. Past influences now having bearing on the situation
  99. Now – the influences surrounding you at the minute
  100. Future influence having bearing
  101. What to do
  102. External influences having bearing
  103. Hopes and fears
  104. Final outcome of this situation.

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