Tag Archive | sagittarius

Tarot Tips 30-44

Tarot Tip 30:

Be aware of the astrological correspondences of tarot cards. They can tell you when something will happen or who is being referred to in a reading. For example, the moon symbolizes Pisces, late February/early March and possibly Cancer (because its ruling planet is the moon) or a woman who is a water sign. It’s not an exact science but if you get stuck on a card and can’t see how it fits, astrology can help you.


Tarot Tip 31:

A reversed card doesn’t equal a reversed meaning. The four of pentacles means almost the same thing upright or reversed (possessiveness and materialism). The Hanged man is tied up no matter which way he falls and The Tower will burn regardless of the direction of the flame. Major Arcana cards tend to be poetic.


Tarot Tip 32:

You can rely on certain cards to be a “sure thing” while giving a reading. These are cards that are always accurate and always predict the same thing (relevant to the question asked). My “sure thing” cards related to relationships are:

Empress = Pregnancy

Three of Cups Reversed = Cheating

Ten of Cups = Marriage

Ten of Cup Reversed = Divorce

What are your “sure thing” cards?


Tarot Tip 33:

The Lovers is one of the most iconic cards in the tarot deck. Many readers find it to be a good prediction of love. I’ve never found it to be. For me, The Lovers is more of a Romeo and Juliet type of situation: immature, infatuation or instant attraction rather than a deep commitment based on understanding.

Why am I mentioning this?

Because it’s important to know the traditional meaning of cards but it’s also important to know how the cards present themselves to you. This can only be understood through practice.


Tarot Tip 34:

Bad energy equals bad readings. Think about how you treat your tarot deck and how that affects its energy. An old, peeling or faded deck doesn’t have the best energy. Time to retire it. Having a collection of 27 different tarot decks that you never use is equally bad. Use every deck you have. Otherwise, your tarot readings will be stale and ineffective.


Tarot Tip 35:

Don’t waste your tarot reading on the following questions:

  1. Am I pregnant?
  2. Will he/she come back to me?
  3. When/ how will I die?
  4. When will I get married?


P.S. The short answer to those questions are: Take a test. Depends on them. When/ How it happens. Depends on you.


Tarot Tip 36:

It’s completely possible to learn tarot for free:

Find two decks of playing cards (probably around your house somewhere) or find cardboard and cut out 78 cards. They can even be mini cards if you do not have enough cardboard. Write the name of each tarot card on your homemade/repurposed cards in marker or pen. Shuffle and draw. Use websites like biddytarot.com or learntarot.com to figure out the meanings.


Tarot Tip 37:

You might find that the clearer your mind is, the clearer your readings become. A clear/clean mind is often the result of better eating habits. Experiment with giving up sugar and caffeine or junk food and see how it affects your readings. Try green smoothies. Try chai tea. Try red wine. Try drinking three lattes before you read your cards. See what happens when you eat ice-cream vs. when you eat kale. There’s no right or wrong. Just notice how what you ingest affects your reading.


Tarot Tip 38:

If a reading feels wrong to you, if something feels off walk away. Set your cards aside and come back to them later. Your clients would rather have a good reading instead of a quick reading. This is especially true if you’ve had a busy day at work and are trying to catch up on your readings at night. Sleep on it and try again in the morning when you’re fresh and rested.


Tarot Tip 39:

Meditation is an important part of your tarot practice. It’s as simple as setting your timer on your phone for 5 minutes, closing your eyes and noticing what thoughts are happening in your mind. You don’t have to sit in a lotus pose. You don’t have to stop thinking. You don’t have to say a mantra. Just close your eyes, pay attention to your thoughts and maybe take a few deep breaths.


Tarot Tip 40:

When you lay out a reading, pay attention to the way in which the human figures on each card interact with each other. Are they facing toward each other or are they facing away? Do they look harmonious? Or do they look tense? Does it look like they have a relationship: father-daughter, mother-son, lovers, friends, enemies?

You might find that the nine of pentacles and the knight of swords gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes. Or that the figures on the six of swords are escaping from the fight happening on the five of wands. Or that the queen of cups is rolling her eyes at the hierophant.  Tarot cards have images on them for a reason. Noticing how the figures on the cards interact will give you extra information.


Tarot Tip 41:

Tarot readings are spiritual and practical. Cleanse your cards and meditate but don’t forget mundane chores like sweeping, dusting and eating breakfast. Take care of yourself and your space and you’ll give a more accurate reading.


Tarot Tip 42:

Intricate tarot spreads and layouts are great but you don’t need them. They’re like jewelry and fancy shoes – beautiful but unnecessary.


Tarot Tip 43:

Do you really need another tarot deck? New agers tend to be collectors- crystals, incense, essential oils, silver jewelry- we love it all. Before you buy something new ask yourself: Am I a collector or a practitioner? Especially if you own more stuff than you can possibly use on a regular basis.


Tarot Tip 44:

Deal with inappropriate questions before they are asked. Email clients a pre-reading form that includes a disclaimer and a list of questions you deem inappropriate. These might include questions like:

Am I pregnant?

When will I die?

Has my ex boyfriends new girlfriend put a curse on me?

Tarot Reading Parties and Events

tarot-parties-and-events-bannerWould you like a unique and creative way to entertain your guests? Imagine what it would be like to have your friends talking about your party for weeks after the event? You and your friends will receive a face to face tarot reading. I will give you advice using my tarot cards or Pendulum.

Ask the Tarot cards or Pendulum your questions and you will get your answers!

This service is available for birthdays, bridal and wedding showers, corporate events, Halloween parties, weddings, New Year’s Eve parties and any other celebratory event — whenever you want to add something really special to the festivities. You can have a Tarot Party as part of a birthday celebration, a bridal shower or anytime you would like to give a unique and inspiring gift to your friends.

The cost for a professional Tarot reader at your event ranges from $200 and up depending on location, how many persons at the event and what you would like to have. The host will receive a free reading.

Will Travel To: All five Boroughs (Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island), Long Island, Yonkers, Westchester Area, New Jersey

For more information log on to:http://readingsbycherie.webs.com/tarot-reading-parties

October 2016 Horoscope:

January: Aquarius January 20 – February 18

For the month of October it will be difficult for you to see what’s right in front of you. This month speaks about how important it is to see relationships as they really are, rather than how you’d like them to be. This is not always an easy or comfortable thing to do. However, in order to make correct decisions in a relationship, you must be clear about it. This month you may be withdrawing emotionally from a relationship or you may feel the need to make a decision regarding that relationship. This will not serve in your best interest. You must open your heart and your eyes to the truth. By honestly assessing the situation you will know just what you need to do. Knowing the truth will make your decision easier and will lead you in the right path.

February: Pisces February 19 – March 19

This month you will remember how life was before you grew older and life became more complicated. This month there is a need to take action and bring that innocence and energy you felt when you were younger. Try to bring that energy into your current relationships. Try to interact with others with a pure and open heart, full of love and ulterior motives. Do this and you’ll find that your relationships will deepen and require far less effort. When you reminisce about your past bring back only the good memories and cherish them. Kindness and generosity are at the forefront this month. Look for ways to help family and friends, especially children. Reach out to them and assist them any way you can. Sometimes just a little bit of attention is all someone needs.
March: Aries March 20 – April 20

This month you find yourself awaiting the results to something you’ve been waiting for. You have put much energy creating and attracting the relationships you desire and are eager to see the positive results. This month patience is needed. However reshaping attitudes and beliefs takes time. Refining yourself so that you’ll attract just the right person is a process. If you find yourself becoming frustrated at the apparent lack of visible change, step back and focus on something other than your relationship for a while. When you are feeling more detached, you’ll be in a better position to notice any improvements. Try and look for alternative strategies to effect the change you desire. What works with one person may not work for the other.



April: Taurus April 21 – May 21

This month you will be entering a period of joy and tranquility. However, this month speaks of friendship, not romance, suggesting that this is an opportune time to connect with friends. For the time being, let go of nay desires, anxiety or stress around romantic relationships. Instead, focus on your relationships with your friends. Turn to them for support if you need it, and find reasons to celebrate with them. Rejoice in the fact that they will always be there for you, and you for them. Community is also important this month. Get out of your house and away from your own concerns.

May: Gemini May 22 – June 21

This month you have the potential to achieve everything you want. Listen to your heart and what it asks you to do. Should you reach out your hand in friendship to someone, offer forgiveness, or make yourself more available? Trust in your ability to maintain true, loving relationships. Now is the time to make that happen. Be optimistic and be open to all the possibilities headed your way this month. Focus on your beautiful, loving qualities and let them radiate out into the world.

June: Cancer June 22 – July 22

This month is all about healing. This month is an ideal time to bring healing to your relationships and realize your hopes and dreams. This month indicates that it is time for forgiveness. Understand that no one is perfect. By accepting this, you’re in a position to forgive yourself and those with whom you are involved with. Try and forgive freely and without reservations, as blame and resentment are heavy weights to bear. By forgiving, you will feel a weight lifted from your shoulders. Don’t just offer forgiveness, offer your love and thoughtful insight. Be willing to receive the blessings that others have for you. Try and be open to their insights and guidance. Listen objectively to what others have to say and act upon that guidance if it feels right for you.

July: Leo July 23 – August 23

This month is about trust. This month is the time to trust the path that you are on. Believe that whatever you desire concerning affairs of the heart can be manifested in the proper time and for your highest good. Trusting takes courage, but it also removes the burden of doing it all on your own. When you feel alone in a situation it can diminish your energy and desire to take actions that will improve the situation. Whether it’s a relationship with another person, or the relationship with yourself, now is the time to take action. Even a good relationship can be improved.



August: Virgo August 24 – September 23

October is a month about giving and receiving. This month your relationships will take on a loving balanced energy. Is there someone who could benefit from what you’ve learned around matters of the heart? Take some time to share your insights. However, be careful don’t try to solve people’s problems, just be a mentor. Also look for other ways that you can be of assistance to those around you, but be sure to give only what you can and no more. Be open to receiving support and inspiration from other people.

September: Libra September 24 – October 23

This October there is a great potential to revitalize your relationships right now, both with others and with yourself. Seize the energy and infuse more warmth and enthusiasm into all of your relationships. Have fun with other people, and feel how this will lift your spirits. See your loved ones in a different light. For the time being, set aside any difficulties. Focus on humorous and loving aspects, and think of creative ways to add more laughter to your life. You’ve been sad for far too long and now is the time to make changes and allow people to be there for you.


October: Scorpio October 24 – November 22

October is about finding balance. This month you may find that matters of the heart require extra effort at this time. More and more demands may be placed on you, requiring you to juggle your attention. Family gatherings, school commitments, requests for assistance, and other obligations may arise within a short period of time. Just breathe and remember to be flexible. Adapt your approach to each situation at hand. Know that you have the ability to keep everything and everyone in balance. This month you may also be called upon to play the role of the mediator. This is a time for compassion and understanding, and you are up to the task. Work with people individually, giving each person consideration. Help all involved to understand another viewpoint and find middle ground.

November: Sagittarius November 23 – December 21

This month reminds you to nurture your relationships. Count the blessings of the relationships you have. Find ways to let them know you care for them and appreciate them. Good relationships can be taken to new levels of happiness, and flattering relationships can be revived with loving care and attention. Equally, be sure to tend to your relationship with yourself. Remember that nurturing yourself as well as your relationships can be so much help to you.

December: Capricorn December 22 – January 19

This month matters of the heart are much like flowers. In the bud stage, the relationship is in a state of potential. It requires loving care and attention to help it grow, develop, and bloom. The people involved in the relationship must be willing to trust and open themselves to each other. With the proper amount of nurturing, the relationship will blossom and bring beauty to the lives of those involved. It’s time for you to nurture the potential of your relationships. New life and love are waiting for you this month. Seize the energies of renewal that surround you now and allow yourself to blossom like a beautiful flower. You’re in a period of growth regarding matters of the heart. Stretch yourself and your ideas of what you believe is possible. Know that anything is possible this month.

Labor Day Sale

14032917_1075482669209112_1538222101_n(1)Here is a very special offer for this Labor Day Weekend.


General Reading: Have questions about your job or business? Need some answers regarding love, health, financial or happiness? Then General Tarot Readings are for you. General readings are based on Finance, Career/work, Love/Relationships, Opportunities, Obstacles, Family. These readings can be customized to fit your needs.

All general Tarot readings are $50 but with today’s special offer all General Tarot readings will be $40.00. Here is the link for today’s sale: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GEQVCYMVDCJ5C


Love/Relationship Tarot Readings: Have questions about your current relationship? Are you wondering if you and your ex should reconnect? Are you curious about a new love? Or are you wondering when you’re going to find your soulmate? Is your husband or wife cheating? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions then the Love/Relationship readings are for you. Love/Relationship readings are based on Family and Love. These readings can give you insight on your current relationship or they can give you insight on what’s headed your way regarding love. All Love/Relationship readings can be customized to fit your needs.

All love/relationship readings are $40 but with today’s special offer all Love/Relationship tarot Readings will be $30.00. Here is the link for today’s sale: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=3NHQVG6HMBNWGc


September 2016 Horoscope


January: Aquarius January 20 – February 18

September will a month of triumphant success. This month signifies new beginnings and exciting challenges. By utilizing your strength, willpower, determination and focus there will be potential for you to succeed in all you do this month. This month you will find it easier to cut through some of the barriers that may be holding you back. However, if you are too rash or use this success in a destructive way It could be harmful to yourself and to others around you. Always think before you act.

February: Pisces February 19 – March 19

September is going to be a month of new beginnings, ideas, revelations, and exciting adventures in your personal and business life. This month be all that you can be. Use these new beginnings to move forward and build a solid foundation for your future.This month is also about balance. This month represents a need for balance within you life. There are some lifestyle adjustments that are required at this time. These adjustments could be associated with love, relationships, business or even your career. This month helps you realize that what you perceive to be happening around you is really an externalization of an inner process or conflict that you may be currently experiencing. Have faith that  everything will work out but remember this is a time to be honest and caring and responsible for the choices that you’ve made as well as the ones you will make in the future.


March: Aries March 20 – April 20

September is all about transformation. Try not to resist the abrupt changes that are about to occur in your life. Just know that everything happens for a reasons and these changes are needed in order for you to move forward with your life. These changes may be taking place within your relationships, business or career. You have the strength and the courage to deal with the obstacles headed your way. This month is here to remind you that the death of an old way of thinking and believing must occur before you can move forward on your new path. Accept the changes and opportunity will come to expand you in more ways than you could have ever imagined.


April: Taurus April 21 – May 21

In September you will be surrounded by some deception and envy. This month to be forewarned is to be forearmed. This September there will come a time where individuals or conditions aren’t what they appear to be. How well do you really know the people around you? Are they telling you everything you need to know? When it comes to business make sure you gather all the necessary information so that you’re aware of and understand all the facts before continuing. You’ve worked hard this month, don’t let anyone take away what is rightfully yours. This month you will experience some sudden and unexpected changes. Certain plans that you had set in motion may not turn out the exact way you envisioned it. Do your best to have a plan B as a fallback so that you can avoid and future problems.


May: Gemini May 22 – June 21

September will be a month where you feel trapped in fear. This month you will realize that it is actually your own fear that has you feeling trapped.  These fears are preventing you from making decisions and choices this month. You are the one that is holding yourself prisoner and in order to continue on your journey you must first face your fears so that new people and conditions can manifest. Many individuals choose to stay in this place because they can’t see the road ahead, they feel a misguided sense of safety there, or they’re afraid of starting something new. But staying in this position will only add to your levels of stress and anxiety and create adverse effects in your physical body. Seek out wise assistance or counsel if you have to. You don’t have to go through any of this alone.


June: Cancer June 22 – July 22

This September is about movement, choices and decisions. This month indicates a time of movement. Significant changes and choices must be made this month. With hard work, great effort, and determination, you have the ability to juggle all the demands that are in front of you. Whether they concern money, business decisions, or other projects, it is important to stay flexible and focused. You may also be presented with a financial union or partnership this month. Just remember the longer you take to make these important decisions or choices the longer it will be before you can move forward with your goals. The changes that are emerging are not some random acts or coincidences they are all a part of a positive and larger scheme. Take time to notice the connections with everything, as this will enable you to avoid future problems and conflicts.


July: Leo: July 23 – August 23

In the month of September there will be new love headed your way. This doesn’t necessarily have to be physical love, but could also represent the passion and devotion for a new idea, a goal, or even a new creative endeavor. This would be a perfect to open yourself and your heart to new things. When past issues are resolved, when forgiveness for others as well as yourself has been attained, and when your heart is truly open and ready to receive, then new roads leading you toward love will be revealed.


August: Virgo August 24 – September 23

This September shows that you’ve come far on your journey and it’s time to be rewarded for your efforts.This  month is all about completion, triumph, peace, liberation and fulfillment. Everything you’ve strived for is within your reach.  This month the world is at your command and you’re free to travel in whatever direction your heart desires.


September: Libra September 24 – October 23

This September will be all about your wishes being fulfilled. This month is about emotional satisfaction, contentment, and enjoyment. Happiness, success, good health, completion, and accomplishment of your dreams and goals are in the palm of your hand. This month is also about forgiveness. Forgive others and yourself so that your wishes and goals have a clear, unobstructed path to your heart, soul and life.


October: Scorpio October 24 – November 22

September will be a month about conflict and defeat. This month represents significant learning and change, and how you handle yourself at this time is vital to your over all well being. This month could relate to a lack of sensitivity on taking action or in response  to conditions or situations around you. This need for sensitivity could relate to you or someone else in your life. Even though a battle can be won this month, it’s important to evaluate the cost and pain to both parties. Sometimes it’s best to surrender and walk away if no answer or victory can be achieved. Don’t assign blame, or be deceitful, or set out for revenge, for this results in the negative energy becoming part of you. You are being tested on how delicately and gently you take your next step. Remember, everything in your life is an opportunity to learn and grow.
November: Sagittarius November 23 – December 21

The month of September will be bringing you a wake-up call. Evaluations of the past, along with lessons you’ve learned, or still need to understand, must now be a top priority.  Doing so will enable you to forgive, accept, and heal so that you can move forward in a balanced mind-set. This month reminds you that a significant must be made in a certain area of your life. But don’y make any hasty decisions. Take your time, for any choices or alterations must be weighed and evaluated with the most careful and wisest of judgments. Whatever steps you take now will have far reaching consequences.


December: Capricorn December 22 – January 19

The month of September confirms that what you’ve been building is now firmly established with a strong and solid foundation. This month represents a period of celebration, peace and prosperity. The card that as pulled for this month may also imply a marriage or the buying land or a new home. As you enjoy this time of relaxation, know that nothing remains stagnant and the winds of change are always at your door.